
Note From Your Publisher - January 30, 2015

January 30, 2015
Happy Friday!
I try to get the newsletter out on Thursdays.. but...sometimes life gets in the way. Please know you can always access the website and calendar for upcoming events - as well as we list events for the coming weeks in the past newsletter, so you can always plan ahead. If you're viewing the calendar, do you see that you can add an event right to a google calendar (you don't need gmail) and it will remind you of the event on your computer/phone etc, or you can download as a pdf. Great way to share your schedule with friends and family.

Keep an eye on our facebook page, or visit our website again soon - I will be updating this week's posts to include a super big giveaway, as big as an elephant (wink, wink). As well, as I will list our recent giveaway winners (waiting on some confirmations). 

This week MacGirl, my 9 year old, wrote her own review for Live Arts Theatre's Dorothy meets Alice. She would appreciate it if you read it, and maybe left a comment. And if you have a MacJr, MacKid, MackTween, or MacTeen (or even yourself) who would like to share a review of an experience, show, event, or activity, feel free to email us at There may even be a prize involved in it... we love to encourage young writers. 

As always, we appreciate you stopping by!